MSM is a naturally-occurring sulfur compound which contains anti-oxidant properties. It is found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and fresh forage. It is also found naturally in the horse’s body (as well as in all vertebrates) in small amounts.
In the body, MSM splits into methionine and cysteine, two important amino acids.
The supplement, MSM, is derived from DMSO or dimethylsulfoxide, and is commonly used in the horse industry to combat inflammation. It’s a white, salt-like substance that horses seem to find palatable and it’s fairly inexpensive as far as supplements go.
MSM is said to have the following effects:
- Prevent/ reducing scar tissue;
- Promote muscle relaxation;
- Reduce inflammation and promote circulation;
- Analgesic (pain-killing);
- Promote healthy hoof and hair growth;
- Reduce joint degeneration;
- Chelate or bind harmful heavy metals in the body; and
- Boost the immune system.
MSM has not been approved for use in pregnant mares or in horses intended for breeding.
MSM is prohibited for use in ruminants
Any horse with clotting disorders or taking medication to aid in clotting should not be supplemented with MSM without close veterinary supervision.
Diabetic equines or horses with any condition causing increased blood glucose (hyperglycemia) should not take MSM.
Horses with a history of urinary tract stones or horses with known allergies to shellfish or shellfish components should not be supplemented with MSM.