Personal Blogs

Personal Blogs

This makes my job feel worth everything. I am beyond grateful that the baby was saved. Such great news. If anyone would like information on the Aid (called Equi 1 Stop Aid) please message us.

A lady contacted me on the 20th February reporting that her horse was showing signs of orbital swelling (both eyes) – typical signs of one or two of the African Horse Sickness viruses that we experience every year. She came to me on Monday and I advised her what the protocol is going to be, every symptom needs to be treated as it presents itself. Every 2 hours I was in contact with her to see how her horse was doing. For many years we have helped horse owners with their horses and the symptoms would generally remain constant, for example the temperature would either be high and remain within the high parameters. This year it is different, the only difference is that the fever is extremely eratic, high to extremely low, then back to high, then to normal then it repeats the cycle. There was no intervention of medication to bring the temperature down. I do believe that she caught this in time. It has taken 5 days for the swelling to come. I am proud of this lady as she was extremely dedicated and she was willing to work with me and accept the guidance given.

Day One – in the video the client sent me one could see that her horse wasn’t feeling 100%, the lymph nodes had started to swell.

Day 2 – The orbital swelling increased drastically, and red membranes started to appear in the one eye. We introduced another item into the protocol. During the evening the horses respiratory rate was dangerously high so we introduced another item to the protocol

DAY 3 – the client reported that the swelling had come down and the horse had a good nights rest

Day 6 – the horse is back to her normal self, still fighting a fever but not drastic. This horse will fully recover. A special thanks to this lady who loves her horses so much that she would go to the end of the earth to make sure that her horses pull through. I admire this

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